Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Missing Crayon is...Blue!

We like to say around the house that Blue is our "simple" dog...not necessarily because he's a few crayons short of a full box, but because he is happy with the simple things in life.  Last night, he made us rethink our position on this box of crayons...

We were getting ready to take the dogs over to a friend's house so we wouldn't have to worry about getting back to them by a certain time (potty breaks, you know).  We have a garage here in IL, so sometimes we'll let them get into the car off-leash, as long as we can do it without opening the garage door (depends on how far forward we pull when we park).  Well, last night was not one of those nights...leashes went on, garage door opened, and Kenney started putting Ana into the middle seats of the Durango.  I took Blue around back, since he rides cargo.  I turned to him, once outside, and told him to wait- our normal cue that I'm about to open the door so he can jump in.  I turned to grab the handle of the door...and BOOM!  Blue sprang into the air to jump "into" the Durango, smashing into the back and scrambling with his back feet to find a place to support himself.  Luckily, the past 5 weeks of working out at the gym finally came in handy (not to mention the mom "super strength" I've heard about in the past), and I caught him, one-armed, and lowered him to the ground.  Both of us were pretty freaked out, and Kenney was bewildered by all the commotion at the rear of the car.  We're both still amazed that it happened, and we're not really sure what possessed him to do it...we're telling people it's because it was dark outside just to preserve his dignity.  Anyone else have a greyhound do something crazy like that?  I mean, we're used to putting sticky notes on our windows and sliding glass doors, but this was something else entirely! Now, he's just resting comfortably:


genji said...

What can I say? Boy greyhounds really are not the brightest. Ask anyone with a boy.

Trina said...

Cali actually did that once. she went to jump in my old wagon before I had opened the hatch. Almost made it on the roof. Poor blue..